The ABCD first impression



The ABCD first impression about ourselves is formed in the first seconds we make contact with someone.
Apparently what we transmit at first sight is based on what those around us see, but in addition to our external appearance, the first impression is also related to what we transmit from the inside to the outside.

If we start with a bad image from the beginning, this will be harder to change along the way. So, it is best to take into account from the very beginning our Appearance, Behavior, Communication and Digital appearance, and a good styled outfit is the best way to look, feel, act and show a great ABCD first impression.

ABCD Appearance.

You physical appearance is your outer image. The way you dress and style yourself and the physical shape you are in.
The first impression is also given by the energy you convey. At the same time your physical appearance is the first thing those around you will notice, and clothes are the main element here.
This doesn’t mean you have to dress like you’re posing on the red carpet every day, but it does mean having a clean, put together and flattering outfit.
If you learn the basic styling rules that suit you, this is not complicated at all .
Here the basic rules you should know, if you want to benefit your body and improve your state of mind


The way you act. Your manners. Your attitude and your body language. Whatever coat you have on, when you know how to wear it will look better on you.
A simple tip would be to check your body language in the mirror from time to time. Also you’d better film yourself. That way you’ll notice what others see in you, and if you don’t like something you can always change it, even if it is your outfit or your behaviour. Clothes can also help you to have a better posture and attitude.

Masculine clothes give you confidence, while feminine clothes make you feel more delicate. Here my post about the energy behinde your clothes
When you wear clothes that flatter your silhouette, you feel more confident in your body and you’ll carry yourself accordingly. Jackets make you feel more confident, corsets give you the right posture, skinny jeans and heels make you feel sexy.

ABCD Communication.

It is not what you say. More how you say it…and do not forget your nonverbal communication.
Your outer look is also a way of expression. The colors you choose, the energy of your clothes, the clothing style and how you accessorise your outfit say something about you each time.

Digital appearance.

digital media
Your social media accounts should match to your real life image. Otherwise, you will only look fake. For example, you can’t introduce yourself as a serious person, but post just indecent pictures on your social media profiles.
It’s perfect to show off other versions of yourself online, but if you’re going to make a good ABCD first impression for those who already know your social media profiles, try posting most photos with the same type of outfit you usually wear.


All these aspects put together make your image. What others will see, feel and to what they will react from the very first moment they see you.


The first impression that someone makes of us, is formed in the very first seconds. Many times we do not even realize exactly when we formed our first impression of someone, because this happens very quickly. Most time what we think to be the first opinion about someone is actually the second impression, after our brain has the time to analyse all details.
So, to make the best first impression we must take care to keep a positive mood, but also a good styled outfit.


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