How to style Your Outfit


You can wear a beautiful, correct, classic or trendy outfit, but still don’t you wish you had that something extra for everyone to look at? If so then the key is in how you style your outfit.

How to style ? The perfect outfit is all about making everything you put on look style.
Your outfit should look like you’ve taken the time to give your outer look, but you haven’t spent hours just looking for what to wear. Just as if it were natural.

Secret tips on how to style your outit

First of all start with something simple, basic, but of course according to the styling rules suitable for you (colors, bodytype) and corresponding to the place and purpose for which you wear this outfit.
Here more about the basic wardrobe.

how to style your outfit

Then start adding:
– a classic piece just like a jacket, a belt, a vest or a pair of stiletto shoes
-style a basic piece in your original way. For example, wear the shirt back to front or add a scarf to a pair of simple jeans.
– use the rule of 3. Add on your simple outfit 3 special elements. No more and no less.
You can use head accessories, belts, watches, scarves, etc. You can also use them to mark the area of your body you want to stand out. This could be also your center of attention.
Here a short tutorial

-mix feminine and masculine clothes
-keep your proportions
– make sure your clothes are clean, have no tears and fit well. A sloppy outfit is never stylish.
– add your personal mark. If it’s not one of the three secret elements, you’re allowed to choose it at the end.
-take care of your hair and make up. A perfect styled outfit doesn’t match a messy hair.


How not to style a perfect outfit

– do not overdress
– no more than 3 accessories
– do not mix to many colors or styles
– don’t use only baggy clothes or only too tight clothes in your outfit

Tip secret: at the end add your personal attitude. This changes every simple outfit in a special one.
So, if you want that unique, perfect styled outfit, don’t forget to style your image both from the outside and from the inside.

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