7 Easy Tips On How To Look Younger

look younger

Looking a few years younger will never bother us, no matter how old we are. We can easily achieve this if we dress appropriately. Clothes and accessories can help us look slimmer, taller and of course younger.


How to dress to look younger

dress young

How to look younger? First, find out what suits you best when it comes to styling and stick to these rules. And they will always fit and never go out of style.

My post https://staging.ourfashionpassion.com/evergreen-fashion-styling/

Wear classics: leather, denim, stiletto shoes.
Use accessories: sunglasses, gloves, bags.

Avoid medium-length skirts and dresses, choose long ones instead. Use neutral colors and styles. Like minimalist.
Add a print or a brighter color to your outfit, but not neon, and don’t overdo it. Your outfit should inspire cheerfulness and freshness not be lame. Prints should be micro prints. Just a young piece with something simple or classic. You can use a teenage backpack, but don’t combine it with a pair of ripped jeans. You can wear these with a classic shirt.

Here are more 5 Style Tips To Look 10 Years *YOUNGER*! (Over 40) – YouTube

Keep your balance, shape, and proportions to look instant younger

look young










If you will dress like in your 16 teens, well you may look still alike, but you won’t resonate with that style anymore, and if you do not feel your clothes, you will act strange and look awkward. Remember you always need to match your clothes with yourself.

Don’t hide your silhouette. Keep and highlight your shape but don’t dress too tight or too loose. Balance is the key now. Vests and waist belts are a good option. Keep the balance in terms of loose and tight clothes too. If your trousers are baggy, pair them with a blouse that highlights your silhouette and vice versa. Use layers in your outfit, but usually no more than three, and be careful to keep your proportions.


Do you really want to look young?

In order to look young, you have first to feel young. Age really is just a state of mind, if we work on our body, mind, and spirit. So if we reach a certain point in our evolution, our body, as long as we take care of it, will remain at a certain age. You can wear clothes that make you look 10 years younger if you don’t feel like it.

Keep your mind young by giving it something to do daily. If it gets bored it will age. The best way is to read books, but books, from which you can learn something new. Fashion styling books are a good and creative option.
Keep your body youthful by dressing it nicely, through sport and nutrition and then you can add once a week a facial massage and facial masks.

To keep your spirit young it’s enough to feel young. You can start with a few meditations moves a day and a mantra to repeat to yourself every day that goes something like this:
I am young, I look young, I’m dressing youthfully…

By Paula Radu

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