10 Steps to Refresh your seasonal Wardrobe


At the beginning of every new season, we look for the right clothes in our closets. But every few years we get tired of wearing the same clothes and looking the same as if we have a seasonal uniform.
We could completely change our seasonal wardrobe every season, but we might be left with a hole in our budget; plus some clothes still fit and look good on us.

The solution would be to refresh our seasonal wardrobe without having to give up old clothes, but at the same time not look like last year and like two years ago and like…

What not to do!

Throw away all the clothes from past years
Renew your entire wardrobe. It is not necessary.


Steps to refresh your sezonal wardrobe. What to do!

1.First gather all your clothes for next season together. Unless it’s something really old, broken or brings back unpleasant memories, then throw it away.
2. Then divide the rest of the clothes according to the style or purpose for which you are using them. For example, clothes for the evening, clothes for going out, gym clothes etc.
3. Each group divides it again into one or more (depending on how many clothes you have) capsule wardrobes. Dividing clothes into smaller pieces makes it easier to mix them up and create new combinations. Try looking for outfit combinations you’ve never worn before.
Here more typs about the capsule wardrobe https://staging.ourfashionpassion.com/basic-wardrobe-versus-capsule-wardrobe/
4. Now add to your outfit a big colorfull piece or a print, if your outfit looks to simple, or if your outfit is to overdressed change a element with a basic one

10 Steps to refresh your seasonal wardrobe
5. Keep your old outfits but change the accessories. This is how it will look completely fresh.
6. Add to the outfits you already know one single more extravagant or evening item, such as a shiny belt or elegant shoes, maybe even pearls.
7. Look in your closet for something even older, even from high school. This item will bring a youthful energy to your outfit and make you feel young again.
8. Restile a part of your old wardrobe. The clothes will get a new energy, and you will be able to get new outfits combinations.
9. Use an item you wear in a completely different season. Maybe a floral print jumpsuit to wear in fall or spring over a plain shirt. Why not also a slimmer, loose sweater to wear on cooler summer days with shorts?
10. Don’t forget to refresh your hairstyle and make-up from time to time. They can make all the difference.

The best clothes are the one that make you feel good in your own skin, and in order to always become a better version of yourself you need to constantly bring something new to your wardrobe too.

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