Why Do People Have Different Fashion Styles

fashion styles
Photo credit Pexels

The term “fashion style” simply refers to how a person dresses, wears shoes, carries bags, and accessorizes with other items. It can also be established by the types of clothes she or he wears in a particular setting. For a variety of reasons, people’s fashion styles may differ from one another. It could be due to a person’s age, preferences, gender, financial condition, or surroundings.

Teen And Adult Fashion Styles

To begin with, a teen’s fashion sense differs significantly from that of an adult. In comparison to adults, teenagers are more likely to be influenced by periodicals, prominent celebrities, movies, and their friends. In contrast to what adults wear, they also enjoy wearing more colorful clothing and accessories. Adults prefer to dress in traditional colors, especially while they are at work because they are in a more formal setting. They also have different hairstyles or methods for getting their hair done.

Teen Fashion Styles

Photo by Pexels

Different Strokes

Another fact is that everyone has distinct tastes, not just in terms of food but also in terms of clothing, shoes, purses, hairstyles, and accessories. There are individuals who enjoy matching their clothing with various sorts of accessories such as bangles, charm bracelets, necklaces, and rings, and there are those who are not afraid to make a bold fashion statement. These are the individuals who prefer to keep things simple but elegant. This just demonstrates that their fashion interests and perspectives differ.

Gender Matters

Another aspect that has a significant impact on fashion patterns is a person’s gender. It is self-evident that girls do not dress in the same way that boys do. Adult women and men are subject to the same rules. This is the most evident reason for such a disparity.

Fashion Budget

Budget, on the other hand, is another issue that influences people’s different styles. People with larger finances for their fashion trends can buy the things they really desire, whereas others with smaller incomes can simply use their initiative and creativity to come up with something fashionable and stylish.

Environmental Factors

A person’s fashion style can also be influenced by their situation or environment. Even if a person loves a simple style, he or she will be forced to participate in occasions where they must dress up, wear outrageous costumes, and venture beyond of their comfort zone. These occasions could include Halloween parties, masquerade balls, and other get-togethers. In these situations, a person must blend in with the surroundings and dress appropriately for the occasion.


Being fashionable and stylish does not always imply adhering to the most recent fashion trends. It may necessitate being unique and identifying a specific fashion style that is ideal for him or her. Why should a person’s fashion style be based on other individuals, magazines, or movies when they may establish their own?

By Sara Khan

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