What I wore: June2022


Today was no different than any other normal day, same old streets with the same old people just casually having breakfast on the roadside looking over the inky Bosphorus; as if it was their first time seeing that beautiful blue veil carry the burden of hundreds of cruises as if it were nothing except some white flower petals. One thing that wasn’t normal today was me and what I wore.

What I Wore in Plain Sight

Hiding in plain sight, a girl with the red locks twisted up in a bun, trying her best not to attract any unwanted attention, not that she ever got. To everyone, she was just someone living in their street but what no one ever knew was that this was a girl who slept every night hoping to find her lost purpose in their world. A soft and sheer lilac fabric adorned with beautiful and intricate details on the hem. The lining of small white lace accentuating the neckline, cream-colored butterflies covering most of the fabric that hugged my waist in a corset style. To someone, this dress would seem just another dress bought from a boutique down the street but to me, this dress depicted who I was and how far I’d go.

Beige Kitten Heels

The beige kitten heels highlighted my not-so-obvious walk difficult, making me nearly trip on the cobblestones streets of our mohalla ( ‘neighborhood’ in the Turkish language). The cobblestones seemed to give our native homeland a vintage vibe according to the tourists but to us these were those landmarks that buried thousands of stories underneath them, stories of girls like me walking out in their mother’s dress under the scorching heat of a summer day, walking toward their dreams just so that they find their lost purpose, prove that their passion has a meaning and that it just needed to be found.

what I wore

an image of what the dress looks like;)
It’s amazing how an ordinary girl’s world can make sense just by wearing that sheer lilac flowy dress resting inside a deceased mother’s closet that was left unopened like a treasure waiting to be discovered in a desert, a dress that no one knew proved to be the first step for the little redhead whose memory had forgotten her mother’s smile over the span of hazy years spent in grief.
A beautiful sundress that was once hated by the girl for being left as a reminder of the woman whose picture was gradually fading away from that once was a small mind, but once again this was a reminder in form of an ornament adorned with lilac fabric that her mother had yet again been there for her little girl’s savior and made me realize that no matter how little of her remnants remained in my hazy memory but her essence belonged in me and it was going nowhere.

In conclusion what I wore actually turned out to garner a lot of compliments today.

thank you for your time!

By Mishaal Asjad
