Remedies For Fair Skin


If you want your skin to glow and be fairer, apply these home remedies. A fair and flawless complexion is a dream for many women out there. These home remedies will help you to get rid of tan and also give you glow and natural young skin. In this article, we will discuss home remedies for fair skin using basic items you will find around the house.



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When it comes to skin lightening lemon is helpful and gives you glowing fairer skin, using lemon can prove to be very effective for your complexion. Lemon reduces dark spots and blemishes your skin and all you have to do is to cut lemon and rub it on your face and set for 10  minutes. Once that process is complete you need to wash your face with cool water.

Besan, lemon, and turmeric face mask:


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Besan is good for the skin and all you need to do is to add some milk, lemon, and turmeric.  Then apply directly to your face leave it for 15 minutes until it is dry.  Once dry wash it off with cold water. This face mask is especially good if you have oily skin.

Orange peel with milk face mask:


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Orange peel contains vitamin C which brightens your skin. Add some orange peel powder and some milk, if you want to add some honey you can also add it, then apply it to your face. after 20 minutes I recommend rinsing with cool water.



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Milk works well when it comes to skin lightening and it also works well as a skin cleanser. Add some milk and one tablespoon of honey and apply it over your face you can also use this at night before going to bed.  It gives you glowing and healthy skin it helps in the moisturizing.

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Recommended1 recommendationPublished in Health, Makeup, Skin Care