Introducing Myself By Rimza Ishaq


Assalamualikum to all,

I joined “Our Fashion Passion” recently and here I’m going to introduce myself.

My name is Rimza Ishaq. I’m from Pakistan and I’m happy to announce that I’m a member of “Our Fashion Passion” now. I have done my higher studies in BS Mass Communication and now I’m a Freelancer. I have done my specialization in PR & Advertising. I have done my internship period with “Baflo Foods”. Here I am going to share my worthful experience 



On my first day of diving into the Baflo Foods internship encounter, I truly had no thought of what to anticipate. Based on my involvement with other internships, I accepted that most of my obligations would involve getting coffee, printing papers, and recording, with a trust that I would pick up a bit of experience within the field I trust will one day be my career. I am upbeat to say I was off-base! From day one of my time at Baflo Foods, I was invited to a pressed day of preparing and client gatherings. All through the following few weeks, I was entrusted each day with a venture that would be straightforwardly affecting the company and its clients. Whereas I have had earlier internship experience, this was my first true hands-on instruction within the world of open relations. A normal day at my internship included kicking off the morning by creating the internal “Industry News.” Employing a media checking benefit at the side social media stages, I would discover significant news for each of the client verticals that the company


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Luckily for me, the Baflo Foods team was also excited for me to learn and grow within my internship role. I have always been allowed to work on assignments that would allow me to grow my skillset in public relations and social media, something a lot of interns cannot say. I discovered how much I enjoyed writing, press releases, features, articles, case studies, blogs post, and other social media content on various topics for clients from such different industries. To write good copy not only requires that you know the audience of the particular outlet, but you also need to very well understand your client’s business and needs to accurately and interestingly present a story. This constant change of topic was thrilling and I managed to develop a specific voice for each client and subject, which I found exciting. I was invited to strategy meetings and team training with different staff members throughout the week to learn the different techniques they used in their day-to-day tasks. From managing a Twitter account to researching promotional events, my projects were all diverse and challenging.


Rimza Ishaq

I am fortunate that my internship was filled with so many hands-on experiences that I can put toward my future career in public relations. Looking back, I laugh about how nervous I was on my first day stepping foot into the office. Baflo Foods made my intern experience so exciting and I was taught to be comfortable and confident when sharing my ideas and to be open to feedback and collaboration. I am happy to say I am walking away from this experience with far more knowledge about this industry than I’ve ever had before and I’m armed with the skills to get the job done


By Rimza Ishaq

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