Health Guide: How To Lose Weight


Losing weight has been my goal since way back when. If you read my other article ‘Does Body Size Matter?’ I have mentioned the flashback story of the reason for my desire to learn how to lose weight. When the pandemic started we were forced to stay at home and isolate ourselves. That is the time that I felt like I was free to do everything without bothering myself to dress up and eat a lot of unhealthy foods.  I worked out and did yoga every other night to practice my breathing, but when covid happened I felt too lazy to do my routines and I think that is the reason for gaining weight.

My weight went up from my normal 92 to 105 pounds (From XS I turned into Small-Medium size). I did not mind actually because I was just at home and I didn’t need to fix myself beautifully since I knew we would not have visitors. Then in 2021, I tried to fit into a dress that I was going to wear for Christmas. I had bought a Small Fitted dress and to be honest it did not fit me. That was when I realized that I need to go back to the actual weight that I’d been maintaining for a long time.

You may say I was overreacting to the 105 pounds that I had gained from quarantine.  That’s 48 kilos to the fact that my actual weight is normally 42 kilos. The reason for my concern is, I have asthma and I must control my weight or It will be very hard for me to breathe freely. It can affect my lungs and my heart which is not good.

Aside from that, I love dressing up. Fashion has been my long-time best friend ever since I got knowledge of different styles and combinations of colors when it comes to fashion and styling. And with the work that I have, maintaining my weight would be very helpful. So I tried to do my routine all over again and I started going back to my normal weight for just a month or so before Christmas.

In this article, I will tell you how I achieved this and pass on my top 3 of the personal tips you might want to consider for how to lose weight.


How To Lose Weight
How To Lose Weight 1

Working out is the best solution for losing weight. As I have mentioned, I tend to be lazy to work out so my trick is dressing up in workout clothes; I swear it will help you to stay motivated and active. I only have 2 styles of workout clothes and that is a legging paired with a workout bra and the other one is a cycling short paired with a bra too. I make sure also that I wear the best shoes for a workout so that I will feel comfortable. I choose this style because aside from its comfy it also gives me the will to continue my goal and that is to go back to my actual weight.

Balance Diet

How To Lose Weight 2

I will not say that I’m a healthy person when it comes to eating because I’m not. Especially if I’m studying my number one companion is a salty chip and it’s not good. So my way of eating is ‘balance eating in a healthy way’. I found an organic chip and yes it’s a little bit salty but not as salty as the ordinary chip. I also drink soda with sugar-free and no calories although it tastes different it will do. I’m not a fan of eating vegetables but I make sure that I eat some, usually a vegetable salad with a chicken on it. I also love fruit which helps a lot in my weight loss journey. I only had 1 meal every day and that is for 3 pm only. In the morning I only had coffee (can’t start the day without it) and 1 slice of fruit and that’s it for the rest of the day. I also make sure that I drink enough water so that I will not get dehydrated.


Drink Fiber Clean

I will not recommend this for everyone but in my case, I did drink a fiber clean boost for my weight loss. You can drink any time of the day you want and 6-7 hours later it’s bye-bye bloat already which means you can go to the toilet and release that thing off.

Doing these top 3 things for how to lose weight is very helpful for me. I lost weight in just a month or so and I’m really happy about the result. The dress that I bought suddenly fit me and I started collecting a new set of dresses and different styles of clothes in my actual size that makes me feel great. I think working out and a balanced diet will help you not just to stay fit but as well as to stay motivated. And if you are motivated you will be able to do all the things you want just like dressing up with the best outfits you have in your closet.

Photo credit Getty Images

By Belle Willow

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