Five Top Bridal Hair Accessories


Hello Fashionistas… and welcome to another edition of Bridal affairs (Lo, just trying a broadcasting voice). Anyways, I absolutely love weddings, mostly because of the food, but then again, I just love admiring, the gowns, shoes, Veil and Accessories, worn by the bride. It’s like watching an Exclusive, Fashion show. One thing, I know for sure, though, is that The gown might be a looker, but the accessories are important. Here are, Five beautiful bridal Hair accessories: 

Bridal Tiaras or Crowns: 


Bridal Tiaras or Crowns

It’s no shocker, that the Tiara or Crown, is the first choice. I mean, who doesn’t want to look like Royalty? A tiara is a headpiece that looks like a crown but is more of a semi-circle-shaped headpiece. However, the crown is a full circular, headpiece adorned with crystals, diamonds, styles, you name it. Although, the Tiara or Crown, may feel more traditional, which is why, some brides think it’s outdated, however, it is not. The bridal Tiara is worn to bring out the sparkle in your gown, hair, and even makeup. But, it should be chosen carefully, depending on the style of the hair and dress. A tiara or crown is always my first choice.

Bridal Headband: 


Bridal Headband

A bridal headband is another head piece, that may be confused as the general name for hair accessories. It is different from the Tiara or Crown, because of its, unique full shape and different styles. The headband is considered a low-budget but beautiful headpiece that is advised to be worn on a low ponytail or bun hairstyle.

Bridal Hairpins


Bridal Hairpins

Bridal hairpins, or as I like to call the, Bobby pins, are simply the makeup of beautiful simplicity. It can be used all around the hair and can even form its Tiara standards depending on how the design and how it is placed. The Hair pins are the only ones that can be removed and placed anywhere you see fit, on the hair and still makes the hair and gown shine in the spotlight. It can be worn on any hairstyle, which makes it more versatile.


Bridal Hair combs:


Bridal Hair combs

Okay, the hair combs are also beautiful accessories that can be worn on any hairstyle to give the bride a delicate look. it’s a simple accessory that is attached to a comb, so it can be easily placed anywhere on the hair. It comes in different styles, shapes, and colors, so you can best be assured, it’s readily available.

Bridal Bow: 


The bridal bow, is like that, a bow. It’s one of the accessories that makes you look like you came out of a movie. It is not always used, which gives you an advantage of rarity. The bow can be worn alone or attached to the veil.

I love me some accessories. These bridal accessories, should be carefully selected depending on the dress, theme, hairstyle, Veil ,and even makeup.

Which brings me to two questions: Is the Veil, an accessory or a necessity? and Which one of these accessories, would you like to use? 

Drop your answers, in the comment section and let me know what you think.


Photo credit Google

By Oluwatoyosi

Recommended5 recommendationsPublished in apparel, Bridal, Hairstyles, Jewelry, Our Fashion Passion