
We all love dressing up but what about the work that follows it? Be it cleaning your closet or doing laundry, everyone hates that🙆‍♀️ But you gotta do what you got to do! So here I bring you a list of fashion related chores that you might want to accomplish this weekend and hence feel productive.


1. Organize your closet

A closet is a fashionista’s den. And organizing it is one of the biggest and most important (read rewarding) chores. So make sure to take out some time out of your schedule and clean your den, I mean,  your closet.


2. Regularly brush all your shoes

Sometimes, if not stored properly, shoe material can start to crack and wrinkle, or buckles can leave rusty lines behind. And we don’t want that! So make sure to brush the don’t off your shows from time to time!


3. Hand-wash delicate clothes

Try to get the habit of hand-washing certain clothes because machine washing can ruin them permanently. Show some love to your delicate clothes!


4. Deep clean your closet, cabinets, and shelves

You clean yourself and your clothes every day. So why not clean and sanitize your closet too? The best time to do this is when you are organizing it!


5. Learn the not-so-subtle art of ironing

Start ironing your clothes at home. It will save you money and as well as add to your household skills. This is the best time to learn how to and get in the practice of it.


6. Master basic fashion hacks


Knowing basic stitches and hacks like fixing stuck zippers can come in quite handy in your day-to-day life.



7. Upcycle your clothes



Not only this will help you make quarantine productive and creative,  but also be fashion sustainable. Convert your old jeans into shorts or make tops out of scarves!


This is your cue to stop procrastinating and get some of your work done. Set the mood by playing your favorite music and dance along while working. Happy cleaning!


Also read: Most fashionable dogs of Instagram

Blog by Priya Grover

Recommended1 recommendationPublished in apparel, Bridal, Hairstyles, Shoes, Uncategorized