Dress Codes: Make It Simple.


Every time we prepare ourselves for an event, whether it’s going out in the city with co-workers, a wedding, or a social event, the first thing we think about is: what should I wear? So, make it simple!

Dressing according to the required dress code may seem very complicated at first, but if we take into account a few basic rules we will get used to it quickly.

Dress Codes are usually set depending on the type of event, the location where it takes place and the approximate time it will take place.

There are two types of dress codes. Formal and informal.

Informal dress codes

This includes dress codes for everyday activities, for work, for going out with friends, and in general for events organized during the day.

► streetwear: refers to a light outfit, usually sporty. It is a suitable style for a walk in the park or when we go shopping, but it will certainly not be an option at the office or at an important meeting.

► casual: it is most suitable for the time of the day. It is a style that can be used almost anywhere, as long as it is not a formal occasion. The elements, most often used, are leather and denim.


► business casual: appears when we add an office element to the casual style to give it a slightly more elegant accent. It is usually a jacket, a shirt, a tie, or stiletto shoes.

► smart casual: refers to an outfit suitable for the office, but which still retains an idea of comfort. For example, we can keep jeans or ballerinas.

► business: it is the style used at business meetings or at the office in large corporations and does not allow any deviation from the office type elements.

Formal dress codes

► black tie optional: it is the most common of the formal styles. And if for men it means the classic suit accessorized with a tie, it gives women more freedom. The length of the dress can vary, as can the texture and footwear. The dress can be short if it is elegant, but it can also be of medium length and from a daily fabric if it is a conference or a presentation at work. The easiest way is to choose the outfit depending on the location, the type of event, and the time when it takes place.

► black tie: although it is confused by many people with the black-tie optional style, it involves a tuxedo with a bow tie for men and long, steamy dresses with light hairstyles for women.

My post on how to find your perfect dress https://staging.ourfashionpassion.com/why-women-wear-skirts-and-how-to-choose-the-perfect-one-for-you/

► white tie: is the style used at royal events. Men wear tailcoats and vests, and women wear only long dresses with covered shoulders, shoes, and tight hair. Sometimes gloves are added to cover as much of the skin as possible.


In addition, we could add cocktail dresses and morning dress styles. They are on the border between formal and informal.

We will wear a cocktail dress to a party with the same name. Being an event organized in the afternoon, the dress is usually of medium length and can have prints and floral materials, but it can also be a little black dress.

Morning dress is the outfit used at English morning parties. It is not very common, but we can take into account its basic elements, such as the big hit, the dress over the knees, with pale and pale sleeves, and low-heeled shoes.

What we think is going to produce the corresponding emotions, and after that, we will also begin to behave as such.

So, if you arrive at an informal event, dressed for the red carpet, you will certainly be the most elegant, but you may not feel at ease, and if you wear your daily outfit to a formal event, you may get the impression that everyone is looking at you. Afterward, you will feel ashamed and uncomfortable, even begin to behave inappropriately and then really attract malicious comments.


Instead, when you choose the right outfit according to the dress code of the event, not only will you feel at ease, but you will definitely attract countless looks, praise, and sources of positive energy, which will make you feel strong and confident.
