How to Prevent Your Shoes and Feet From Smelling: Fashion Expert Opinion

very smelly shoes

Shoes and feet that smell are a common occurrence, especially among men. Ladies are less affected by smelling feet for reasons I will be mentioning later in this exclusive article. Smell shoes are the worst thing that can happen to a man as it ruins your entire outfit and lowers your confidence. When invited to someone’s house and you have to take off the shoes, It becomes a very difficult moment for you as you begin to panic.

Smelly shoes are a result of great negligence and failures by the shoe owner to maintain high standards of cleanliness. With me here are sure tips to prevent your shoes from smelling:

How to Prevent Your Shoes and Feet From Smelling:

1. Make sure to let your shoes dry properly:

Just like other normal outfits, shoes are made from natural materials that can hold onto bad smells, especially when not dried properly. The main failure starts with not drying your shoes properly. This also happens to our clothes. When you wash your shoes, make sure you leave them in broad sunlight for hours to allow them to dry properly. That is the first step to avoiding smelly shoes and feet.

smelly shoes

2. Dealing with your foot odor:

The second step to prevent smelly shoes is to make sure that your feet are not producing any bad odor. The problem might not be in the type of shoes you are wearing but rather in your feet. You have to address key problems such as excessive sweating.  You can do so by the use of antiperspirants and deodorants to prevent the odor. Some have also given their testimony that baby powder or foot powder helps to solve the problem.

very smelly shoes

3. Use of Insoles:

I have received dozens of testimonies that insoles do work, especially as far as controlling odor from shoes is concerned.  There are insoles that are designed to deal with excessive sweating and thus solve a number of your problems.

4. Aerating Your shoes:

This is a key step when it comes to kicking the bad odor from your shoes. Naturally, our feet are meant to sweat, just like other body organs. Experts have advised against wearing the same pair of shoes for two consecutive days as this does not allow time for aeration. Once in a while, make sure that you take your shoes out to allow air to flow in them. This in turn allows the drying of any sweat that is hidden and thus gives you a fresh feeling.



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