
We regularly use sunscreen on the skin if we want to go out at home. But did you know that most of the sunscreens we use contain synthetic chemicals and minerals? And these can lead to many health problems. These contain the chemicals azobenzene, PABA, and benzophenone. These chemicals can damage your body’s DNA. Known as mutagens that affect DNA. For these reasons homemade sunscreen is considered the best and is believed to be the best without any side effects.



Does the skin burn too much around in the sun? Here are some tips

The chemicals in the sunscreen products you buy, such as toxins or endocrine glands, are more likely to cause skin cancer. Also inhibits the radiant production of your skin.

So avoid using store-bought sunscreens and follow the homemade method. In this article, we have listed the best homemade sunscreens. Read and learn how to make them and use the best sunscreen products in your home.

Ingredients: Take Shea Butter – 1/2 cup Zinc Oxide – 1/2 cup Coconut Oil – 1 cup and 3 cups distilled water.

Recipe: Mix all the above ingredients together in a jar and when it is well mixed, place in a cool place. This would be an excellent sunscreen product.


Shea Butter:

Shea butter has the ability to block sunburn. It is an excellent moisturizer and also a wonderful sunscreen. Applying this all over your body will not have the harmful effects of the sun. Take advantage of this as one of the best home-made sunscreens

Zinc oxide

This is a sunscreen that can be done very quickly. Take a natural body lotion that does not contain citrus oil. Mix two tablespoons of this lotion with zinc oxide. This protects your skin from harmful sun rays.


Tea leaf

Tea is an excellent sunscreen. Take two teaspoons of tea and soak in half a cup of water overnight. The next morning separates the tea separately and the water separately. This water best protects your skin from UV protection. One of the best homemade sunscreen products you can easily make.

Wheat oil

Wheat germ oil nourishes your skin and acts as an excellent sunscreen. It naturally has an SPF level of up to 20. It is also a sunscreen lotion.

By Sarvan

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