10 Essential Things A Woman’s Bag Should Have


A woman has a different opinion about everything. We have different goals in life. We are resilient and empowered in our own way and we are strong and brave to the challenges that we experienced. But one thing a woman has in common? We love fashion! We might have different ideas and styles in fashion but I’m sure we love dressing ourselves up. And I am sure you will agree with me with these essential things for a woman’s bag that she can’t leave home without. 


Let’s put that on the first list since I know a lot of us can’t leave without our phones. Bringing our cellphones is essential for whenever there is an emergency our family and friends can call us immediately. Also, I am not the only one who’s guilty of putting everything in our phone like a list of groceries, bills, etc. And aside from that, a lot of us are doing our work and attending class on our phones right now. 

Makeup Pouch

woman's bag essentials
Photo Credit Pinterest

This is the most common thing I heard whenever I watch a bag raid. A woman’s bag should have a makeup pouch and it is essential for whenever we need to retouch our makeup before going to a meeting or joining a class. A makeup pouch is consist of this go-to makeup;

  1.  Lipstick
  2. Foundation
  3. Blush
  4. Mascara
  5. Brow Pencil/Gel
  6. Concealer
  7. Primer
  8. Brush
  9. Hand cream
  10. Tissue/Wet Wipes


Am I the only one who always brings both? I doubt it! If you are just like me who has bad eye vision then I guess you had those two in your bag.


This is essential for whenever we had a long day and someone invited us over dinner, just kidding! You can wear perfume whenever you like. A woman should smell good always, so don’t forget to bring yours.

Mini Pouch or Kit for Jewelry

Just in case you need a change of jewelry you can grab it in your bag and you’re ready to go!

Sanitary Pad

Sanitary pads, tampons, reusable pads, menstrual cups, or whatever you are using for your monthly period I know girls should have one of these in their bags.



Who among you here just leave their house without their wallet with them? I am! Good thing you can pay bills using your phone, lol!


I always bring a small notepad and a ballpen for me wherever I go just in case I have ideas in mind that I need to write.


Just in case you feel cold or your clothes get dirty, a scarf is a big help I swear.


This is essential to a country that always rains even if it’s a sunny day.

Do you have these basic essentials in your bag as well? What else do you have? Tell me more and I’ll see you at the next one!

By Belle Willow