7 Things to Avoid When Designing Your Fashion Line


Creating a fashion line can be a fun and exciting experience, but it’s also important to be aware of some common mistakes that new designers make. This post will share 10 things to avoid when designing your fashion line. From making your line too expensive to not focusing on the quality of your clothing, these tips will help you create a successful fashion line. Whether you are starting or are looking to expand your line, read on to learn how to avoid common fashion design mistakes.

1. Crafting a brand

One of the most important things you can do when starting a fashion line is to create a brand. This doesn’t just mean coming up with a cool name and slapping it on your products. It means building your brand around your vision, values, and story.

Your story is what sets your brand apart from the rest. It’s the reason people will buy your products, and it’s what will keep them coming back.

2. Nailing your design

There are a few key things to keep in mind when designing your fashion line.

  • First and foremost, make sure your designs are timeless. You don’t want to release a line that will be outdated and out of style in a few seasons.
  • Second, you want to make sure that your designs are versatile. You don’t want a line that is only good for summer or winter.
  • Third, you want to make sure that your designs are flattering. Not every body type is created equal, and you don’t want to design something too tight or loose.
  • Fourth, make sure your designs are easy to sew. You don’t want to have a lot of intricate details that you’ll have to hem or add buttons to.
  • Fifth, make sure your designs are affordable. You don’t want to have many materials that will cost you an arm and a leg.
  • Sixth, make sure your designs are easy to mix and match. You don’t want to have many pieces that you’ll have to buy separately.
  • Seventh, make sure your designs are easy to wear. You don’t want to have many layers that you’ll have to take off to get to your outfit.
  • Eighth, make sure your designs are timeless. You don’t want to release a line that will be outdated and out of style in a few seasons.
  • Ninth, make sure your designs are flattering. Not every body type is created equal, and you don’t want to design something too tight or loose.
  • Tenth, make sure your designs are easy to sew. You don’t want to have a lot of intricate details that you’ll have to hem or add buttons to.

3. Choosing the right fabrics

When creating your fashion line, it’s important to make sure you choose the right fabrics. Not only will the fabric choice affect the cost of your line, but it will also affect the quality of your line.

When choosing fabrics, think about the type of fashion you’re designing for. Choose a heavier fabric if you’re designing for a more formal event. Choose a lighter fabric if you’re designing for a more casual event.

Another thing to consider when choosing fabrics is the fabric’s drape. Draping refers to how the fabric falls when you move it. A fabric with more drape will be more comfortable to wear and will fall more loosely.


4. Pricing your line

You’ve probably heard it a million times, “you can’t price your fashion line too high, or no one will buy it.” While this is mostly true, you can do a few things to ensure your fashion line doesn’t end up in the trash can.

  • One of the first things to do is to take your time and develop a design you’re proud of. You’ll be more likely to sell it if you love it, and your customers will.
  • Second, be sure to create a pricing structure that makes sense. Don’t start high and then lower the price later. Stick with one price point you’re comfortable with and then adjust as necessary.
  • Third, remember that you’re not just selling the clothing; you’re selling the experience. Ensure you’re offering extras such as accessories, personalized service, and return policies that make the purchase worthwhile.
  • Lastly, be sure to use social media for marketing your clothing line. Use positive words and photos to show off your clothing, and ensure you follow all the latest trends.

5. Distribution

When designing your fashion line, it’s important to consider where and how your clothes will be distributed. Not all businesses can afford to sell directly to consumers, so it’s important to consider where your clothes will be sold and who will be selling them.

There are many different ways to distribute your clothes, and choosing the right one for your business is important.

Here are a few tips to help you choose the right distribution method for your fashion line:

1. Sell through boutiques and high-end retailers

If you’re looking to sell your clothes through high-end retailers, such as boutiques, it’s important to target them early in your marketing plan. Boutiques are typically very selective about their brands, so making a strong impression is important.

2. Sell online

Online sales are growing faster than any other type of retail sales, and this is especially true for fashion. Online retailing offers various options for selling your clothes, from online boutiques to online retailers.

3. Sell through e-commerce platforms

E-commerce platforms allow you to sell your clothes directly to consumers. This is a great option if you have a high-quality product and want to reach a large audience.


4. Sell through consignment shops

Consignment shops are a great way to reach a niche market. These shops typically take consignment clothes from high-end fashion designers and sell them to boutiques and other retailers.

5. Sell through social media

Social media is a great way to reach a broad audience. You can sell your clothes through social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter or through Facebook.

6. Sell through wholesale distribution

Wholesale distribution is a great option if you have a large order size. Wholesale distributors can help you sell your clothes to many retailers.

7. Sell through direct-to-consumer sales

Direct-to-consumer sales are a great way to sell your clothes directly to consumers. This is a great option if you have a high-quality product and want to reach a niche market.

8. Sell through consignment

Consignment is a great way to sell your clothes to other businesses. This is a great option if you have a large order size.

6. Monetizing your line

Fashion design isn’t as simple as it seems. Sure, you can create a piece of clothing and put it up for sale, but there are a few things you should avoid if you want to make your fashion line a success.

1. Don’t overspend on materials – You don’t need to spend a fortune to start making clothes. You might get away with using cheaper materials if you are careful with your design and sewing.


2. Don’t overdesign – It’s important to keep your design simple so that your clothes look good and don’t take away from the overall aesthetic of your line.

3. Don’t forget about the cost of shipping – When designing your clothes, ensure you account for the shipping cost. This might mean designing your clothes to be wearable in various climates or designing pieces that can be made in different sizes.

4. Don’t forget about marketing – Your clothes will likely go unsold without good marketing. Make sure you have a marketing plan to promote your line and spend the right amount on marketing to reach your target audience.

5. Don’t forget about the cost of creating a website – A website is essential for any fashion designer. It should be designed to reflect the look and feel of your line.

6. Don’t forget about sales – Your clothing line will likely fail without good sales. Ensure you’re pricing your clothes correctly and creating a compelling marketing campaign to help promote your line.

7. Don’t forget about the cost of shipping – When designing your clothes, ensure you account for the shipping cost. This might mean designing your clothes to be wearable in various climates or designing pieces that can be made in different sizes.

8. Don’t forget about taking a step back – Sometimes, it’s helpful to take a step back and redesign your line completely. This will give you a fresh perspective and help you avoid common design mistakes.


9. Don’t forget about the cost of creating a website – A website is essential for any fashion designer. It should be designed to reflect the look and feel of your line.

10. Don’t forget about taking a step back – Sometimes, it’s helpful to take a step back and redesign your line completely. This will give you a fresh perspective and help you to

7. Social media marketing

When it comes to fashion, there are a few things to avoid. One of which is social media marketing. Yes, you want to post pictures of your latest outfit on Instagram and Facebook, but there are a few things you should avoid doing if you want to have a successful fashion line.

One of the most common mistakes people make regarding social media marketing is not thinking through their posts beforehand. They’ll post whatever comes to mind with thinking about what their post will look like on a larger scale.

When thinking about what to post, consider the hashtags you’re using, the caption, and the image itself. You also want to ensure your posts are interesting and relevant to your target market.

Another mistake people make does not have a plan. They’ll post pictures and wait for the comments to roll in. But this doesn’t work that way. You need to have a plan, and you need to post regularly.

Last but not least, make sure your posts are original. If you’re posting a picture of a shirt you bought at Target, make sure the photo is original and not something you saw on Instagram or Facebook. This will help your fashion line stand out from the crowd.



We hope you enjoyed our blog post about designing your fashion line. Fashion is an important part of our lives, and we want to ensure that our clothing is comfortable, stylish, and fits our unique body type. However, a few things to avoid when designing your fashion line. Follow the advice in our post, and you’ll be sure to create a stylish and comfortable fashion line that you will love wearing!

Photo from Google

By Krish