7 Skincare Routine in Summer


During the summer, the skin needs care, especially since extreme heat and pollution cause a lot of damage to it. During the summer, the sun is at its hottest, which exposes it to heat and causes it to dry out, causing premature aging of the skin, damage to skin cells, and dullness. From here, in this article, we will introduce you to the 7 essentials skincare routine in the summer and protect it from harsh factors, to keep it bright and glowing.

1- Keep your skin hydrated

Stay hydrated 

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Your body tends to lose a lot of moisture in the summer, so it is important to drink plenty of water and fluids, so it will help you take care of your skin in the summer and your skin will remain soft and hydrated as well. The most important step in the summer skincare routine is to adequately moisturize the skin and body to maintain healthy and hydrated skin from the inside and outside, through:

Use an effective skin moisturizer.

Drink plenty of water, at least seven to eight glasses of water daily.

Choose the right face wash for your skin type, preferably oil-free for oily skin.

Clean the face with cold water twice a day, in the morning and evening.


Note: Washing and cleaning the face at least twice a day is essential! This procedure is important to do, even if you do not go out of the house.

2- Use sunscreen

Sunscreen is a must 

Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

The sun’s rays in the summer have a negative effect on your skin, so be sure to use sunscreen. The best solution to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun, according to experts, is to use sunscreen daily, and several times a day if you are exposed to intense sunlight. Apply sunscreen 1/4 hour before you go out, as this is one of the most important summer skincare procedures.

3- Eat a healthy diet

Eat a healthy diet 

photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

You may not realize that diet and quality of food greatly affect the skin, especially in the summer. Experts confirm that the diet plays a major role in protecting your skin from environmental damage in the summer, especially if it is rich in fruits such as watermelon, mango, and berries… They contain vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants essential to protect the skin and maintain moisture within the skin.

4- Avoid soft drinks and caffeine

Staying away from soft drinks is essential to maintain the freshness of the skin in the summer. Most people prefer cold, frozen sodas to quench their thirst on a hot day. However, it is important to remember that these drinks are full of sugar that is not good for your skin. Try replacing them with water, fresh lemons, fresh fruit juices, or coconut water to keep your skin hydrated. Also, during the summer, try to avoid caffeine consumption as much as possible, and replace it with nutritious juices such as iced tea, for example.

5- Use the right toner for your skin

use right toner for skin during summer

Photo by Ray Piedra from Pexels


It is very important to keep the skin cool by using a toner, find the brand that suits you and that can maintain the natural cooling of your skin. Using a toner is great for summer skincare.

6- Avoid wearing a lot of makeup in the summer

Experts advise you to use as little makeup as possible, especially during the summer, when the weather is hot and humid, excessive use of makeup products may increase the chances of acne and pimples. It can feel like cutting down on your makeup is a bit difficult in the summer, as nights out and outings with friends abound during this season, and of course, you want to look your best. In this case, dedicate at least one day a week not to go out and give your skin a chance to rest and get rid of the effects of makeup.

7- Don’t forget to exfoliate your skin

It is recommended to exfoliate the skin twice a week, and if the skin is oily, it can be peeled 2 to 3 times a week, to get rid of dead skin, tan, promote blood circulation, renew skin cells, and keep the skin smooth and clear. This will help you maintain fresh skin in the summer.

Note: Don’t forget to wear sunglasses and keep a clean microfiber towel in your bag, to wipe the sweat off your skin and avoid rashes.

By Ayesha Ahmad