6 Easy Steps to be in Top Shape


Okay, even if we are past the first quarter of the year already, there is no better time to get in top shape and feel good about ourselves than the present. It is not too late to become what we really want to be. It is not too late to realize those dreams and goals we have been eagerly chasing. And it is not too late to take incorporate healthy options into our everyday lives.

One of the steps in self-love is to take care of one’s mind and body. The following concepts have been said again and again because they have been tried and tested and they are true. So below are little reminders that it is not too late to become better versions of ourselves.

First off, drink lots of water. This is because water keeps us hydrated. It aids in losing the ever-dreaded weight. It also helps in making the skin look clearer since water drives out toxins in the body.

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Second, do not deprive yourself of eating. Denying yourself a meal will only let you eat twice as much as soon as you feel hungry. When eating, make healthier options when available. It is good to take in more than the recommended calories if you do the next tip.

Third would be the need to exercise. Keep moving, turn up those upbeat tunes and dance like no one’s watching. A quick jog around the neighborhood can do wonders!

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The fourth one would be getting enough sleep. While it is recommended to have 8 hours of sleep, one should not take for granted the power of naps. Listen to your body and sleep whenever you can. You will surely wake up more energized to function and do your tasks.

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The fifth one would be the use of supplements. Whether these are taken internally such as vitamins or used externally such as slathering on lotions to keep your skin nourished and using serums for hair to keep it soft and smooth to touch.

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Last but not the least, meditate. Have some quiet time with yourself. Having a good book to accompany you also helps.

Prioritizing yourself will help you in motivating others too! So start and go on the road to get in top shape for a healthier you now.

All photos from Pinterest.

Love Lots,

Fashion Sage

Recommended1 recommendationPublished in Health, Skin Care