Many people suffer from dry skin especially this time of year and for some, it can even cause the skin to peel. It is very uncomfortable and often unsightly. If you are facing the problem of dry and peeling skin or lack of moisture no matter what you do there is help. We have 5 great natural formulas for your dry skin treatment that will get you back into the pink in no time.
1. Aloe Vera Skin Treatment

Aloe Vera is very is readily available and very effective Because it helps to nourish the skin with moisturizers. It will help your facial skin to be smooth, soft and solve the problem of dry and peeling face as well. Just bring clear jelly In the aloe vera to grind thoroughly and then put the mask on your face, leave it for a while and then wash it off. It will make your skin soft, moist, and more radiant. It is recommended to do this 2-3 times a week for the most effective results.
2. Tomato, fresh milk, and cucumber

This recipe only requires you to bring one herb each. Mix with about ½ cup of fresh milk and blend until incorporated. Then leave the mask for about 20-30 minutes, then rinse with cold water. It will make your skin gradually smoother and the properties of tomatoes help clear skin aswell. It will add a white aura to your skin so try a face mask with this recipe.
3. Honey and egg yolks skin treatment

If you are experiencing peeling skin, try this recipe. This should help the problem of peeling face and may even be gone immediately. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 egg yolk and apply as a mask to your face and leave it for 15 minutes every night. You will feel your face get smooth, soft, and Moisturized from the first use. If done regularly this will make your skin look as soft as a baby’s.
4. Cucumber and Yogurt

Another popular recipe that is easy, clean, cool, and refreshing is to cut the cucumber into small pieces. Add 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt and stir until combined. Then put a mask on your face and leave it for no more than 30 minutes, then wash it off. You will notice that the skin looks more moisturized and you may even forget that it used to be dry. It is recommended to do this daily and your skin health will improve quite a bit.
5. Avocado mixed with honey and yogurt

This recipe is a popular recipe that cannot be missed. All you have to do is blend avocados with 2 tablespoons of honey and about half a cup of natural yogurt. Then put a mask on your face and leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Try to do it often 1-2 times a week. You will see the dry skin improve instantly and a gradual return to a soft healthy facial glow.
In conclusion, you do not need to suffer from dry skin or spend a lot of money to look and feel beautiful. You can find all the help you need right in your own kitchen cabinet or medicine chest. Just follow the tips I have given you and get out on the town and show off your soft glowing face to the world.
Photo Credit Getty Images
By Ayesha Ahmad
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