5 Helpful Home Remedies for Satisfying Skin Beauty


5 Home Remedies for healthy looking skin and hair.

Everyone wants to be the best version of themselves. People are very conscious of their class, appearance, and style. Every person wants to look their best. He wants to be more confident. The basic problem is confidence. This confidence is of course gained by your inner feeling, the feeling of looking good. Not only girls in fact boys are also very conscious about their appearance. Good and shining skin increases a little bit of charm into this all-confidence thing. I think not a little bit but very much.

I also take care of my skin. Because I`m a social person. I have to go out of my house for my school, parties, anything, sometimes some friends come to my home.  So I always keep in my mind that I should look well. This always will help me to increase my confidence. For this, I use a lot of home remedies that are healthy for my skin and my hair.

Have a look at these home remedies;

  • Castor Oil:

We can apply castor oil on our faces and body every day. It is a natural moisturizer and is also used in cosmetics for this purpose. I recently learned from my fellow doctor that it also contains ricin oleic acid which is so helpful for this. Every girl wants her skin to be super moist so that she could easily use foundation because skin hydration is a very huge problem.

Home Remedies 1


  • Banana`s Peels:

Whenever you feel like your natural skin is behaving differently like it’s unsmooth to touch or makeup is affecting it. You need not be worried. You just need to scrub banana peel on your skin after that let the stuff dry and wash with tap water. You can also use these peels on your elbow, on dark patches of your hands, and on your foot as per need. Besides brightening your skin it is also helpful in avoiding wrinkles plus benefits you with moisture. Peels are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and some nutrients.

Home Remedies 2


  • Cucumber:

These green veggies are almost part of every kitchen`s fridge. These are very healthy for the skin. They contain vitamin K which is good for the skin. Vitamin K has anti-aging benefits of preventing wrinkles, and fine lines and maintaining the elasticity of the skin, making skin more smooth and more vigorous. Moreover, you can cucumber as a DIY face mask just like I often use. It also contains antioxidants and nutrients (like folic acid). Folic acid is good for the hydration of the skin.

Home Remedies 3


Ice Cubes:

This is something very important I was anxiously waiting for it to tell you. The use of ice on my face was one of the best decisions ever I have taken in my skincare. It sounds crazy but doing my makeup put my face in a huge bowl of ice cubes. It will adjust the makeup on your face in such a way you will not feel a burden to carry it. It should be used every morning because it will radiate your skin/face, brighten your complexion, close your face pores, and hide wrinkles. It is due to constriction of the facial blood vessels.

Home Remedies 4


  • Gram Flour:

Gram flour is also known as “Basin”(a traditional name) a very effective sour for keeping acne germs away from your skin. It fights this infection-producing agent because it has zinc. It also prevents the production of extra sebum on the skin. And it also brightens the complexion. I use its mask. Its ingredients include; 2 tablespoons of gram flour, 2 tablespoons of milk plus a little bit of turmeric. After making this paste apply to the face and wash it after drying. You will feel so lite. Turmeric powder is also helpful for the skin. It provides glow and luster/ shine to the skin. 




These home remedies are shared according to my own experience. I suggest If you guys are going to use these remedies use them according to your skin needs.

By Marie

Recommended4 recommendationsPublished in apparel, Health, Our Fashion Passion, Skin Care, street style