10 Tips to change your skincare routine in the winter season.


Winter is icy, and during this season, your skin suffers the most. Due to low temperatures, your skin uses its moisture and becomes dry. This problem is troublesome for women who already have dry skin. Your skin needs attention every day, but during the winter season, your skincare routine needs to be changed slightly so that it accommodates well.

skincare routine

Of course, it would help if you took care of your skin daily, but during the winter, you should prioritize your skincare. It keeps your skin healthy and soft to the touch.

Few tips to maintain your skincare for winter:

However, not all suggestions suit all skin types; hence precaution is advised.

Using a moisturizer

In winter, the temperature drops, which takes away the humidity from the atmosphere, and this results in your skin losing its moisture. Use a moisturizing lotion to help your skin re-establish its moisture and look radiant and soft.

Use sunscreen when outdoors

Sunscreen helps in protecting your skin from the UV radiations of the sun. In winter, the sun’s rays are sharp and can damage the skin cells. Using sunscreen in your winter skincare routine can help your skin retain its lightness.

Try using face masks

After a tiring day, your skin needs to heal from the pollution and impurities exposed. Applying a face mask that contains cooling agents like clay can help your skin cleanse the impurities and stay fresh for the next day. This small addition to your skincare routine can make you feel fresh and relaxed.

Wash using lukewarm water

Winters are chilly, and everyone is tempted to go for a hot water bath, but hot waters make your skin drier and can result in cracks due to loss of moisture. So instead, your winter skincare should include lukewarm water to keep your skin fresh and hydrated.


Drink lots of liquids

Winter air is drier than other seasons, so it is essential to keep yourself hydrated. Your regular skincare routine should also include drinking lots of water. It keeps your skin radiated and fresh every day.

Cover yourself when outdoor

Wear clothes that keep your skin as less exposed to the sun and cold wind as possible. Cold wind can dry your skin, and UV rays can harm the skin cells: wear caps, gloves, and long-sleeve tops.

Do not exfoliate your skin

Winter is already dry, and daily exfoliating of your skin can damage your skin cells. Doing once a week as a part of your skincare routine is enough.

Avoid wearing wet clothes

Wet clothes make your skin go dry and itchy, leading to cracks in the skin. Make sure you do not wear wet gloves or shoes.


Exercising daily can help your blood pump faster and easier to your skin layer and keep them warm and fresh. So make exercise a part of your everyday skincare routine.

Follow a proper diet.

Having a good diet will keep your body healthy. For example, have a lot of pumpkin and butternut as a part of your winter skincare; this helps keep the skin fresh.

Photo from Pexels


By Shagun